Submission Guidelines

Script Submission Guidelines
The Plaza Theatre is now accepting unpublished (ONLY!) scripts for Fresh pages, a new program of staged play readings.
We are particularly interested in comedies and light dramas.
Cast size should be limited to eight actors or less. 
Adaptations, short plays and/or film scripts (8-15 minutes) will also be accepted.
 All submissions should include the following:
  • Cover letter and playwright bio with up-to-date contact information
  • Production/development history
  • Script Synopsis
  • Full cast list with character breakdown
Do not send scripts electronically.
Scripts may be mailed to: Kenneth Kay, C/o Plaza Theatre. 262 South Ocean Blvd, Manalapan, FL 33462
IMPORTANT: Include a SASE if you wish your materials returned, otherwise they will not!
Response time: 1 – 3 months, minimum.